Commonly Treated Conditions
Herbal medicine will often correct a problem quickly but, in chronic cases, it may be necessary to take a remedy for some months to facilitate a long-term cure.
Herbal medicine can be suitable for people of all ages. Many people take herbal medicine as a first-line treatment. People on medication for an existing condition often enquire about the feasibility of taking herbs alongside their prescribed medicine. This is best done under professional supervision.
As a medical herbalist, I treat a wide variety of ailments and conditions at Home of Herbs. Below is a list of some common presentations.
- Alopecia: Alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia
- Arthritic conditions: osteoarthritis, polymyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis
- Bowel conditions: Chron’s disease, constipation, irritable bowel, ulcerative colitis
- Circulatory problems: atherosclerosis, angina, cholesterol, hypertension
- Digestive complaints: gastritis, indigestion, reflux, irritable bowel,
- Endocrinal conditions: thyroid problems, alopecia, hormonal imbalances
- Gynaecological conditions: amennorhoea, painful/irregular periods, menorrhagia, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Menopausal conditions: hot flushes, mood/energy swings, reduced libido, hair loss
- Skin conditions: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungal infections
- Stress-related conditions: anxiety, depression, insomnia
More details on these conditions can be viewed by clicking on the table to the right of your screen.
Lifestyle as a factor in illness
Most of us could do better when it comes to our eating habits, having sedentary lives, or coping with stress. Getting good advice and support in these matters can put you on the right track to making the necessary changes for your health. Part of my consultation is always devoted to looking at your nutritional needs and supporting you in making dietary changes. Stress plays a role in influencing health and wellbeing as exposure to stress over time can have serious adverse effects. Many people benefit from an assisted programme which looks at reducing exposure to stressors. Part of this is devising effective relaxation strategies for a long-term resolution. I advise on simple self-care practices to keep you well and reduce your level of stress to avoid problems becoming more deeply rooted. Sometimes its also important to review how you spend your time and devise practical and manageable activities for you to build into your week.
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Contact Details
Phone: 0872455519
Email: [email protected]
Helen McCormack
186 Philipsburgh Avenue
Marino, Dublin 3